this is a site developed on author own's imagination on how to make impact in the scientific world. maybe you just sit down and think of something new, know that you could make your opinion known to the world. all you've ever imagined are but inspiration, so you need to remember the inspiration of zeneger in 1912 about the continental shift, though no one believed him, but today, his thought became a reality. so THINK SCIENCE.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008 |
on getting to a petrol station, you saw a warning issued openly which read thus: 'switch off your handset' or 'do not receive any phone call while here', accompanied with a danger sign. one may wonder why this was so and what effect could this small object cause the whole system!The answer lies in the fact that GSM operates on a lot of principle.According to the law of radiation; alpha rays are a type of ray with relatively small power or effect. it could be stopped using a sheet of paper. it does not penetrate greatly on soft object, but it has one unique effect, it could ionise to any extent in the presence of any gaseous materials once it is its affinity. it also glows in the presence of zinc sulphide (ZnS).Beta rays on the other side are a group of rays that plays the medium role between alpha and gamma rays. it could be stopped by aluminium foil but it glows in the presence of anthracene.Gamma rays are the most dangerous or the most penetrating of all the primary rays. it could only be stopped by a several kilometres of lead block. it does not ionise in air but it travels faster than any primary radiation. it glows in the presence of zinc sulphide (ZnS) and sodium iodide (NaI).the most intrigue character of these rays is that it always accompanied all other primary rays while they were being produced.Now in the gasoline product, according to the destructive distillation of coal, we have four major products which are: coke, ammoniacal liquor, coal tar, coal gas.Coal tar is a mixture of many products as well. in it we have phenol, xylene, cresol, green oils which include, benzene, anthracene, naphthalene. phenanthrene, naphthacene, coronene and the hosts of others. in it is also present the likes of naphtha which is the solid part of it. we also found many hydrocarbons in it.Now out of all these, we knew that anthracene parleys with beta rays. Also, sodium iodide which is present as impurity in naphtha parleys with Gamma rays.Definitely, our everyday handset contain or data were being transmitted into it mostly via beta-rays; although, this is not feasible as only Gamma rays outfunctioned beta-rays.This was because, Gamma rays always accompanied a little production of beta-rays.So, if you switch on your handset while in petrol station, all those rays were reserved as they were in the ground state. But once a phone call comes in, the call is transmitted through all these rays which excite them as they vibrate. If at that time they were selling petrol or there is any discharge of petrol of great odour, what happens? the anthracene cleft with beta- rays and the gaseous sodium iodide cleft with Gamma-rays. and before you know it; explosion occured.This is a very great exposition and i will like all to take heed to the warning it is rendering.SO NEAR ANY GASOLINE FIZZLEMENT; PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR HANDSET. |
posted by bamgold @ 5:10 PM  |
This isn't a new warning as we all knew that a healthy inner system determines the outer appearance. the purpose of publishing this is to emphasize the processes through which this occurs.The nostril and the buccal cavity (the mouth) have a common connection with the olfactory lobes of the brain.The rhinencephalon in particular is sub- divided into three major parts which are the (1)olfactory lobe,(2) the hippocampal which comprises of the longitudinal striae of the corpus callosum, the dentate gyrus and the hippocampus and(3) the fornix. Altogether they constitute what is called the rhincenphalon.The hippocampal has a direct path to the olfactory lobe of the brain. The mouth also at the hind part of it has what is called the larynx. this has a direct connection with the eustachian tube that leads to the inner ear. Also the olfactory lobe of the brain has a direct connection with the optic lobe of the encephalon and later with the cerebrum. The mouth also has a close connection with the lungs through the mesoglottis via trachea.Now let's go into full analysis in details: the life sustaining gas as we all know is oxygen. Now any intake of oxygen is always distributed via:1) the hippocampal to the olfactory lobe through the nostril.2) the pharynx to the lungs3) from the lungs to the heart.It is this oxygen that aid the living of most of the cells here.Now, as the oxygen travelled into the lungs, there, it meets deoxygenated blood brought by the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle of the heart. This got oxygenated and taken back to the left auricle of the heart by the pulmonary vein which is then distributed via the left ventricle by the Aorta. The Aorta carries all this blood to all other arteries of the body.The hepatic(portal) vein carried the blood in it to the liver, the mesenteric artery carried its to the stomach, while the renal artery carry its to the kidney.All other arteries did likewise and through this, internal respiration is made effective and the cell of the body became refreshened up and alive.Now, if instead of oxygen, carbondioxide is taken in (since it is the main gas given off alongside nitrogendioxide in the oxidation of Nicotine, the main constituent of cigarret), what happens? the deoxygenated blood in the lungs became contaminated and becomes almost black in colour. this travels to all part of the body; but first, it poisoned the heart and since instead of oxygen, carbon (iv) oxide were brought in, this also contaminate every blood pumped by the heart.This carbon(iv)oxide combines with any oxygenated blood and reacted with the pigment in it which is oxyhaemoglobin, in the lungs, the heart, and all the body to convert them to a poisonous substance called carboxyaemoglobin.This is how all the cells of the body would become suffocated. Now, they don't just die like that, they try to sieve the carbodeoxygenated blood to remove the trace amount of oxygen in them, after they had done this, they push the rest to their inactive part for the purpose of storing them so that when oxygen comes in, those stored would become useful again.If more carbon(iv)oxide keeps coming in instead of oxygen, they keeps on repeating the same process, this makes them sick. And once all they had stored accumulate in the whole space they has, they become more weakened and poisoned. This makes them die successively. Now their death begins with the cells that are more farther away from the nostrils, since the one near the nostrils are competing more for oxygen. So, such makes the affected part become withered and that part may face one abnormality or the other.Also note that, as that reaction keeps on working in the body, so, that in the brain is not left out. First, the olfactory lobe is darkened. So any blood supplying via olfactory lobe to the cerebrum is deoxygenated and so, the brain also becomes weak and weak till it can't function like fresh again. This could lead to amnesia and stroke if the whole brain is paralysed as a result of suffocation.All these built up leads to the dead of the whole system. The poisoning starts from cells, to tissues, to organs, and finaly to the systems. This killed by suppression of the internal environment and instead of the body to be warm, it looks cold.What is the meaning of all these? carbon(iv)oxide is the main constituent of ciggaret's smokes. this is from nicotine.Now nicotine itself is a very toxic substance to the liver, it cause the liver to shrinkle. so for those people who only know how to swallow the smokes from ciggaret, the more they do this the more their liver becomes toxicated. this deteriorate the functions of the liver and caused a lot of toxic materials to be distributed throughout the entire body since it is the liver that performs the duty of detoxication.
also when considering the effects of menthol in Cigarette, ordinarily, it may have no effect because it is added as a flavouring substance. however, if after a man smoke cigerette and such decided to drink Coca Cola, or any carboxylated drinks what happens?
from the physical experiment performed, we discovered that when a menthol is added to coca cola(coke) in its bottle, what happens is that it explodes with a rapid explosion. what could cause this? well, all we came to realise is that a boy who just finished drinking coke mistakenly lick a menthol simultaneously and what we discovered happen to be the fact as the boy died instantly and his body continued to expand drammatically.
what am i saying, whether a menthol is added to coke or a coke added to menthol, the reaction will still produce the same effect although one may be fatal than the other.
so if after you finish smoking cigarette you decided to take carboxylated drinks alongside, you should learn to know today that your death lies at the corner. i mean you are the killer of your own self. |
posted by bamgold @ 5:07 PM  |