this is a site developed on author own's imagination on how to make impact in the scientific world. maybe you just sit down and think of something new, know that you could make your opinion known to the world. all you've ever imagined are but inspiration, so you need to remember the inspiration of zeneger in 1912 about the continental shift, though no one believed him, but today, his thought became a reality. so THINK SCIENCE.

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Monday, August 25, 2008 |
GLOBAL WARMING is the warming of our planet. this is caused majorly by the presence of much carbon (iv) oxide in the atmosphere. the carbon (iv) oxide is not just an ordinary type, but an excited type in the excited state. what do i mean? this type of carbon(iv)oxide is as a result of the incomplete or complete combustion of FLUOROCHLOROCARBONS. this heat up our planet, causing it to emit radiant energy which radiates all the ice in the polar region of the earth, thereby releasing more water for the ground table under the earth. although this might not be visible, it is highly feasible as such leads to many of what we called today as natural disasters. example of such is the tsunami. although global warming does not cause tsunami directly, it remains the primary initiator of it. EARTHQUAKEs then finishes it. note that if there are increased in the hydrological level below the earth, the core and the mantle of the earth becomes unrest, and the tides in that part of the earth becomes so high. this caused the water to force the earth to dislocate, causing a fault to occur on the surface of the earth. this raises the level of the lithospheric part of the earth and the pressures in them as a result of their lavas becomes domed. as the water is causing the earth surface to dislocate, the core is being hitted and such leads to an invisible earth quake below the earth which causes a lot of water to rise forth above the earth in an unexpected way. this might indeed sound so risible indeed as it looks like there is no fact to back it up, but whether you like it or not, global warming contributes to tsunami and it is the primary initiator of it as in the photolysis of alkanes.
as we all know, A tsunami can be generated when converging or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water. It is very unlikely that they can form at divergent (constructive) or conservative plate boundaries. This is because constructive or conservative boundaries do not generally disturb the vertical displacement of the water column. Subduction zone related earthquakes generate the majority of all tsunamis.
now tell me, what cause an abrupt movement of the plates? definitely, as we all know there is what we know as continental shift, all these are caused by to much water exerting too much pressure.

FLOODING: global warming also leads to flooding: when all the polar region has become melted, what happened next? there would be an increment in the volume of the water in the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and all of such. as a result of this there would be what we called overfloating. this is a clear and widely known factor caused by global warming. but tsunami is not left out although it is not visible.
 also note that carbon(iv)oxide is not the only gas causing global warming, sulphur(iv)oxide, nitrogen(iv)oxide are gasese that do fuel it as well. all these leads to global warming through what the chemists called the green house effects.
HURRICANE global warming also brings about HURRICANES. MANY are the occurence of this phenomena. the effect caused by the hurricane wilmer in the mexican coast in 2005 couldn't easily be forgotten.In this same occurence cuba was also affected, jamaica was not left out as well. all these through Hurricane Katrina which is estimated as the costliest tropical cyclone worldwide,causing $81.2 billion in property damage (2005 USD)with overall damage estimates exceeding $100 billion (2005 USD).Katrina killed at least 1,836 people after striking Louisiana and Mississippi as a major hurricane in August 2005.The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is the deadliest natural disaster in the United States, killing an estimated 6,000 to 12,000 people in Galveston, Texas. Hurricane Iniki in 1992 was the most powerful storm to strike Hawaii in recorded history, hitting Kauai as a Category 4 hurricane, killing six people, and causing U.S. $3 billion in damage.Other destructive Eastern Pacific hurricanes include Pauline and Kenna, both causing severe damage after striking Mexico as major hurricanes.In March 2004, Cyclone Gafilo struck northeastern Madagascar as a powerful cyclone, killing 74, affecting more than 200,000, and becoming the worst cyclone to affect the nation for more than 20 years. More than 9 refineries were destroyed by katrina in New orlean in the united states of America.
The most severe loss of life and property damage occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed, in many cases hours after the storm had moved inland.The federal flood protection system in New Orleans failed at more than fifty spots. Nearly every levee in metro New Orleans was breached as Hurricane Katrina passed just east of the city limits. Eventually 80% of the city became flooded and also large tracts of neighboring parishes, and the floodwaters lingered for weeks.At least 1,836 people combined lost their lives in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. The storm is estimated to have been responsible for $81.2 billion (2005 U.S. dollars) in damage, making it the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. hurricane katrina recently,Hurricane Gustav caused serious damage and casualties in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and the United States. It has caused over 20 Billion $ (2008 USD) in Damages, the fourth most destructive hurricane to ever hit the United States.It formed on the morning of August 25, 2008, about 260 miles (420 km) southeast of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and rapidly strengthened into a tropical storm that afternoon and into a hurricane early on August 26. Later that day it made landfall near the Haitian town of Jacmel. It inundated Jamaica and ravaged Western Cuba and then steadily moved across the Gulf of Mexico.On August 31, the NHC predicted with 81% probability that Gustav would remain at Category 3 or above on September 1, but on September 1 at 9:30 a.m. CDT (1430 UTC) the center of Gustav made landfall in the United States along the Louisiana coast near Cocodrie as a strong Category 2 hurricane (1 mph below Category 3), and dropped to Category 1 four hours later,and to a tropical depression the following day. Gustav continued moving northwest through Louisiana, before slowing down significantly as it moved through Arkansas on September 3.As of September 3, 120deaths had been attributed to Gustav in the U.S. and Caribbean. A first estimate of the damage in all countries is US$20 billion. hurricane gustav to read more about hurricane and how they were formed, click here!
Hurricane ike was recently reported and in fact its effect was much more than that of gustav. it hits louisiana, houston and texas was not left out in the attack. although not much than six deaths were reported, many a property got destroyed. in fact NASA's space station was shut down as a result of this in texas.
 here is one of the effects created by ike. look at this road, a beautiful and a world class kind severly devastated by ike. |
posted by bamgold @ 3:35 PM  |